Nov 3, 2023Liked by Bill Bishop

Tashi! You are the cutest! May you have many treats, car rides and long walks for all your hard work.

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Tashi, you are so sincere. Good dog! If you had listened to your college entrance coach you would have written that you like to spend all your time STUDYING!

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Tashi, great news! Even though we both speak fluent dog I found a tutor for you! now you can learn the dialect of human called chinese!!! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FDFfnLBjFmw

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did he get in to his top choice school?

happy to write a recommendation letter for him.

he's not just a good boy... he might be the BEST boy! (and not in the film set sense, but generally, in the universal canine sense... and in my loving eyes.) 🐶

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Tashi, I am sorry. Obedience school rejected you. You should be glad! Our major in corpse sniffing? Yeah, no body was a good dog on that day. Yeah, I know, you want to be hero dog who sniffs out the explosives, runs into the burning building, or at least runs in front of the patrol - right through that mine field! Do you see your friend? You know, the one with the special leash with the squiggly marks? the one that lets him go anywhere, even places you dont get to, even though you are both dogs? You dont want that leash Tashi. It comes with waking up at 3 am in a cold sweat with your pet human screaming for his life, only to roll back over and try to get to sleep an hour later. But I have good news. If you really want to try out for guard dog or alarm dog we can give you a slot. Theres a place for everydog, and everydog in his place. And just to prove i mean it: Rough? Rough! Bark? Bark bark! Woof? Oh yeah we got plenty of whoof all right...

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